Friday, December 10, 2010

How To Post Soundslides Projects to Blog

How To Post Soundslides Projects to Blog (optional)
As I mentioned, you don't have to post your Soundslide project to the blog -- you can bring it to class and turn it in on a Flash drive. But if you have time and want to try posting it, there are two ways:

1. The first step will be to export from Soundslides (once you're finished), and that will generate a whole folder full of files. Next, upload the Publish_to_Web folder full of files to your Web space.

For Web space, you can use the file hosting service that Maryland provides, ... it's File Manager under TerpConnect

Then post the link to your slideshow to the blog.

The OIT help desk should be able to walk you through any problems that come up with that (

2. Some of you have found that Soundslides lets you convert your project so you can upload it to Blogger or YouTube without having to put it on TerpConnect. Here's how:

First, go to this link:

Then, after the project is already exported, create a zip file out of the "publish_to_web" folder by using the steps listed based on the type of computer you are using.

Then, click "online video converter." (a link in the first sentence).

Type in your email address and click "continue."

Then, select your file and upload it. It will be converted into an MP4 file and emailed to you.

Go to the link, save it and upload it to the blog.

These steps are all outlined on the Web page.

Issues with Method 2:

Some students in past semesters have reported that the captions are dropping out of Soundslides when the projects are converted to mp4 video files. After doing some digging, I've learned that this is a bug of converting Soundslides to video formats:

So the best way is to use the first method of uploading that I described and upload the folder of files to the TerpConnect Web space -- that will keep the captions in place.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Revised Final Project Pitch, by Mark Miller

"As Oakland Hall construction enters final months, ResLife considers UMD student housing's future"

I intend to create an audio slideshow about the construction of Oakland Hall, the student dorm set to open next fall on North Campus. Oakland Hall is newsworthy because of its planned "green" building characteristics, as well as its expected size. The nine-story completed building is expected to house more than 700 students. For my interviews, I will speak to Department of Resident Life officials involved in the project. I hope to also speak to the architects and construction workers, if at all possible. My photographs will focus on Oakland Hall as a work in progress. If I use renders or floor plans of the building in my slideshow, they will be clearly labeled and credited.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Homework Details For Next Class (Week After Thanksgiving)

Homework assignment -- 2 parts again:

Part 1: Produce a profile piece of a person, place, or event.

* Must be at least 2 minutes long, no longer than 3:30.
* Must have at least 2 interviews and 2 ambient sounds.
* Must have hook -- you have to write a headline for the piece. I will ask in class what your headline is.
* Must have a story arc. By this I mean a well-thought-out structure so that it's not just some random collection of facts. Think of how the pieces we listened to in class had a clear beginning, middle, and end, and do that with your piece.
* All sources must be clearly identified with first and last name and one identifying detail (age, year in school, etc).
* You cannot interview close friends or family members in this piece unless pre-approved by your editor (me).
* Your final audio file, in mp3 format, must be uploaded to the iTunesU dropbox by start of next class. Do not wait until class to upload. We'll go by the time stamp on the dropbox, and work uploaded after noon will lose points.
* File names must include your first name, last name, and the word "profile."

Part 2: Assigned Listening:

Ira Glass on Storytelling #3

Ira Glass on Storytelling #4